Thanks Giving

As the nation pauses to celebrate one of our most treasured holidays, here are 10 things I am most thankful for today.

10) Sports – I started following sports as an eight-year-old. While my playing days long ago transitioned to golf, I’m still a huge fan… limiting my cheering now to the Astros (non-cheating version) and, of course, Texas Longhorns football  

9) Technology – I read recently that we have more knowledge available in our mobile device than a Fortune 500 CEO had access to in 1980. What a terrific time to live… whether for the ease of reading or the ability to access video. Want to learn how to change a tire, plant a shrub, make sushi? There’s a YouTube for that 

8) Nature – At the golf course I play, a family of deer comes out around dusk, and there are hawks and other birds that often land in the fairway. (I have videos!) Plus, there are National Parks just waiting to be explored in any season of the year 

7) Freedom – There are great challenges here and abroad right now, and after these go away others will appear down the road. Yet, compared to the annals of human history, we live in a country where anyone can still pursue their dreams

6) Clients – When we pursued ours by starting Success Handler, LLC, 19 years ago, I believed it would make it. I also had no idea how much joy I would receive from working with talented leaders who want to be their best and are willing to change

5) Health – While the past two years required a lot of tests to discover why I was having digestive issues, I’m amazed at the number of gluten and dairy free products available. I can’t eat what I used to – looking at you, TexMex – yet I am my usual self on most days  

4) Friends – I tend to be an introvert, so my circle of friends is small. The ones I’m closest to are great, and they know who they are, because I text them news and sports links and articles about 30 times every day

3) Family – My brothers and sister, in laws, nieces and nephews are wonderful. We’re a tight family, and despite the distances between us, get together often… if not in person, at least through the magic of FaceTime and Zoom

2) Kids – Years ago, a mentor told me: ‘You’re going to raise your kids. It’s your choice whether you raise them when they’re young or when they’re older.’ I’m glad we made the effort to raise them when they were young, because the adult versions are amazing

1) Wife – Living with a dreamer, perfectionist, planner, high energy, workaholic, pundit, low empathy, optimistic, expressive, ADHD, husband isn’t the easiest assignment in the universe, yet Kathy pulls it off with grace and love. I’m blessed 


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