Wonderful Memories

Bob Jones. That’s an ordinary name. Google lists 10 million results.

When I was a kid growing up in what is now the heart of the DFW Metroplex – it was country back in the 60’s and 70’s – one Bob Jones lived around the corner from our property. His wife Chris and he raised three kids. Their youngest was six years older than me, so we didn’t do a lot together. The two girls had quarter horses, and mom drove them all over everywhere to show Skippa Streak, a Grand National Champion. Bob stayed home to run their family business… and often would bring us the best homemade potato soup you’ll ever taste.

My understanding is his bio went something like this: father died when he was three and his mother raised seven children alone; had a ninth grade education; joined the Navy at 17 and served on Guam at the end of WWII; earned his master’s electrician license on the GI Bill; started a lighting fixtures business; became an early distributor of Casablanca ceiling fans; invested their money well, especially in local real estate; and, accumulated a net worth in the millions. Pretty much a Horatio Alger story thanks to hard work, street smarts and the Midas touch. The greatest generation.

In the last few years, Bob had health issues. They moved 100 miles west of Ft. Worth to the ghost town where Chris grew up, named for her great grandfather… Farmer, Texas. Their home sat atop a hill and looked out on 700 acres they owned. My three siblings and I visited them two Decembers ago. Bob’s sight was just about gone, yet his memory was perfect. He shared quite a few stories about our youth.

Bob Jones died yesterday at the age of 82. I’ll be heading to Ft. Worth for his funeral on Friday. You see, Chris is my late mother’s youngest sister… and Bob Jones was my uncle. It will be an honor and joy to celebrate his extraordinary life.


Reading Rainbow

Driving home today from one of my ‘downtown clients’, I saw a rainbow in the sky.

Most folks spend so much time searching for pots of gold (read: strategic initiatives, financial results, new products, higher compensation, more customers, nicer cars) that we forget to enjoy rainbows.

They’re quite beautiful, of course… and made famous one ROY G BIV. (I learned that acronym in college and still remember those colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.)

Rainbows are here one moment. Gone the next.

Increased earnings, bigger houses and acquiring a competitor… those last a lot longer.

They are important.

Rainbows are beautiful.

Life is better with both.

Seen a rainbow in the sky lately… or were you too busy to notice?


Morning In America

So the Republicans took over the House and made strong gains in the Senate. Faster than you can say ‘Tippecanoe and Tyler Too’ the political landscape in America shifted again.

One thing the new leaders soon to arrive in Washington need to understand is the last two elections have not been about like, they’ve been about dislike… as in frustration with everyone in power – regardless of party affiliation. The landslide of November 2nd was simply voters pushing the restart button.

Americans are tired of politicians intent on serving themselves and not their constituencies. If ultra conservative Republicans choose to create stalemate in order to ensure the White House has a new occupant in two years, then there will be no solutions, no answers to our problems.

As business leaders know so well, nothing gets done when folks stubbornly stick to their personal agendas over the necessary vision and growth for the organization. In order for America to get back on track, Republicans and Democrats need to create the right plan – working together – and start executing on it immediately. This approach takes place in companies across the country every day. There’s no reason it can’t work inside the Beltway.

Failure to accept the responsibility granted unto them by the electorate would mean we end up repeating this cycle in 2012… with the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction again. Citizens deserve better.


Called To Serve

It’s Election Day in America… which is the most wonderful opportunity for citizens to have an impact on our nation. With so much frustration and turmoil happening all around, many feel their voices are unheard, that no one is listening. One thing is certain: the greatest gift – and responsibility – of living in a free society is to exercise your right to vote. If you need any reassurance or perspective on how important that is, just think about all the Iraqis who had their index fingers inked last year.

This election arrives particularly close to home for our family. Last summer my wife made the decision to run for a position on our local school board. After 12 years of helping our children navigate through public schools here, she felt the calling to participate in the leadership process. Ours is an open election in which you blindly declare for a specific seat, regardless of where you live in the district. As it turned out, she has no challengers – while another open position has three people vying for votes.

It was one of the special moments of my life when last week during early voting I cast my ballot for Kathy Handler, TISD Board of Trustees, Place 1. I would have voted for her even if we weren’t married. She’s a great listener, logical… a consensus-builder who seeks to find solutions rather than point out problems. She’ll do great.

Whether you’re running for political office or a regular citizen like me – with one vote and one voice – everyone is equal today. This is your opportunity to speak loudly… even if you’re the only one who hears how you feel.


Unpleasant Experience

Customer service is one of the ‘givens’ companies have to deliver well… especially when folks come to them with problems. Disney uses the word ‘recovery.’ I prefer, ‘We pay you money, so fix it.’ A problem is the reason I called the phone company this morning, needing to find out how to change the fact we couldn’t access voice mail.

The first person transferred me to a second who – unable to assist me because ‘that’s handled by another department’ – transferred me to a third. After a computer-generated voice prompted me to enter our primary phone number for the third time, a woman came on and said, “May I have your phone number, please?” (Really? You guys handle a bagillion calls every day and you have to ask my number after I entered it three times!)

Our conversation went something like this:

“Sir, I understand you’re having a problem with your phone lines.”

“No, we can’t access voicemail. I’m calling you from our phone line.”

“Did you know we have a troubleshooting guide online?”

“Yes, I do. In fact, could you let someone know I tried that five times before calling, and each time after entering our phone number it kicked me back to the home page.”

“Yes, all you have to do is enter your phone number…”

“You’re not hearing me, ma’am. I tried that and it didn’t work.”

“Let me explain the steps, so next time…”

“Ma’am… could you please stop speaking and listen. I need you to tell me…”

(Loudly) “Sir, I’m only trying to help you.”

“Monica, I have yet to raise my voice and you seem to be getting frustrated. After 15 minutes, would it make more sense that I should be the one who’s frustrated?”

(Still loud) “Do you want my help or not?”

“May I please speak to your supervisor?”


From that point, a wonderful – and quite apologetic – woman named Julie came on and her first words were: “Did anyone tell you there is a problem in the Houston area and we’re working to fix it as fast as we can?”

I laughed, she apologized further, and within five minutes taught me how to listen to voice mail online. Then she told me about an App that allows us access from our iPhones. I thanked her twice, and – knowing the call was being recorded – said, “When you work to train Monica, please let her hear how you listened and promptly solved my issue. You did great.”

In your business, no matter how big or small, make sure everyone who comes in contact with customers understands the right way to speak with them… especially anyone whose title contains the words ‘customer service.’ If they fail, it reflects on you.
