Each morning, I read several business newsletters, then a couple more in the afternoon. I listen to podcasts throughout the week. I participate in a couple of CEU sessions every month. Thus… I can’t remember where, during the past month, I read/heard the approach described below, so I’ll just say ‘Thank you’ to the forgotten creator.
Take a blank sheet of paper. Divide it into three columns. List under each one situations in your home and work life. Here are some of the ones on mine, along with the total number of items:
Control (14) – Health & Exercise, Strategy, Social media/TV time
Influence (7) – Referral sources, Diversification, Scheduling
No Control (10) – Our adult children’s safety, Politics/Religion, Reactions of others
I keep this list on my desk. During the past month, I’ve reviewed it at least once per week. It seems to be helping me stay focused on what I can control or influence and let go of what I can’t.
Perhaps it would help you, too.