Religious Fervor

People show up in large numbers every week – an outward sign of their faith in unity with fellow brother and sister believers.

They sing and chant aloud… sometimes raising hands and clapping in highest praise.

If you challenge their passion and beliefs, be ready for pushback and maybe even an argument.

Many wear jewelry and other items so everyone knows exactly where they stand. Some even put banners and symbols in their yards… often to rub it in the face of neighbors.

Even with good friends, you’ll be forced to listen to stories about heroes from long ago… and you’re expected to accept that those things happened exactly as stated.

A lot of people have no interest. No feeling. No understanding of why anyone would spend so much time and energy – along with their hard earned dollars – on such unexplainable things.

I feel sorry for them.

You see… college football is back. It’s the 150th anniversary of the first game… and I’m gonna “Come Early. Be Loud. Stay Late. Wear Orange” until January 13.


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