Heated Disagreement

It’s a complex issue… dating back far beyond 50 years.

There are passionate beliefs on both sides.

Some want to use the cudgel of perspectives rooted in centuries past.

Others cling to a more recent precedent that shouldn’t be revisited.

It’s a topic influenced by one’s upbringing… with religion, race and resolve playing roles in one’s personal decision.

Many never change their opinion. Others do over time. Some go back-and-forth, unable to gain clarity on where they should land.

There’s a strong likelihood the nation will never agree and 50 years hence this will still be a topic that creates a cultural divide and brings out our worst selves.

Personally, I know where I stand.

When it comes to this issue – especially as we begin a Fourth of July weekend celebrating unity – my position is: you put mustard on a hot dog, not ketchup (although you should get to make your own choice). 


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