Review Time

This is the time of year when some leaders struggle to complete annual reviews. Often the process involves filling in a comprehensive form that requires you to rate each team member on a scale of ‘Exceeds Expectations’ to ‘Needs Improvement’. After approval up the ladder, it’s time for the oft-dreaded face-to-face meeting – during which you deliver results to the employee and let him know what percentage of annual bonus and performance raise he’ll be receiving.

Last week one of my clients was struggling in preparation for the review meeting with a direct report who tends to react dramatically in these settings. As Bill explained the approach he intended to take – which was a line-by-line explanation of each category on the form, I asked him a simple question: “Why do you need to do all the talking?” I could see the ‘Aha!’ insight clearly in his raised eyebrow and smile.

“I’m not sure,” he said. “That’s how I always do these. Guess it might be better if I first ask her how she thinks the year went, huh?”

Reviews work best when there is a two-way dialogue around performance that identifies development opportunities and leads to specific action steps for improvement in the months ahead. Seems to me it makes sense – to paraphrase Stephen Covey – to understand the other person’s perspective before commenting on your rating. There might be strong alignment of opinions or a complete misperception about the efforts of your employee.

At this point I had my client stand up and look out his window. Then I asked him to turn around and look at me. “What you’re seeing right now,” I said, “is in the past – and nothing you say is going to change it.” I put my hands on his shoulders and repositioned him to look out the window again. “That’s the future,” I said. “Focus the discussion on that and you’ll position Joan to deliver what you expect in 2015.”


Feedback Circle

One of the key modules of the training program I’ve been co-facilitating recently focuses on providing feedback. When we initially ask participants to engage in a demonstration of how they would hold a crucial conversation with a direct report, their approach goes something like this:

“Um, Joe, I just want you to know you’re doing a really good job and I appreciate all your hard work with our internal customers, but I think you might want to try getting back to them sooner. Does that make sense?”

The first opportunity for improvement here is to do away with the ‘but.’ Offering a compliment immediately followed by a redirection sends a mixed message and undermines both statements. It is more effective to separate these into two discussions with the employee.

For this program, we teach the SBI model for feedback, where S is the Situation, B is Behavior observed and I is the Impact on myself, the team or your business. Using this approach under the same scenario as above, here is a more valuable way to provide insight for Joe:

Compliment – “Joe… do you recall last week when you received that request from IT? (‘Yes, I do.’) I noticed you reached across departments to involve Finance in the process. (‘That’s right.’) From my perspective that made the difference in your being able to solve IT’s challenge, and it made me proud to have you on our team. (‘Thanks!’)

Redirection – “Joe… do you recall last week when you received that request from IT? (Yes, I do.) I noticed you didn’t respond right away and didn’t reach out to any other departments for assistance. (That’s right.) From my perspective that’s why it still isn’t resolved today and I feel like you missed an opportunity to make our team shine.” (‘Thank you. I didn’t realize that.’)

The SBI model – in either situation – opens a dialogue between the leader and her direct reports. Many people struggle remembering to provide the Impact piece; yet, with mastery, SBI becomes a valuable tool for turning observed behavior into recognition or learning moments

